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CARE Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA)​











CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) provides essential information about gender roles and responsibilities, capacities and vulnerabilities together with programming recommendations. It is used in situations where time is of the essence and resources are very scarce, particularly in a crisis. It can also be used to update or verify gender equality information that is already available. Rapid Gender Analysis is built progressively, using a range of primary and secondary information to understand gender roles and relations and how these may change during a crisis. This methodology is intended to be used in conjunction with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender Handbook for Emergencies.


The RGA methodology follows these steps:


  • Find existing gender equality information: It is usually possible to find a good mix of primary and secondary background information, drawing from both qualitative and quantitative data on what gender relations were like before an emergency. This information should inform emergency preparedness planning.  


  • Collect new gender information: Once a crisis happens the situation changes, and new information becomes available. New information should be collected through additional review and/or sector assessments.


  • Analyze the gender equality information:

    • List the distinct capacities, needs and preferences of women, men, girls and boys. Are they the same since before the crisis or have they changed?

    • List the pertinent roles and responsibilities for women, men, girls and boys. Is there a fair workload distribution? How does the distribution affect their respective rights for growth and opportunities? Who makes decisions about the use of the resources and are needs equitably met?

    • List the dynamics between women, men, girls and boys. How do women and men help or hinder each other to meet their needs and rights? Who perpetrates violence against whom? What roles do the community and institutions play in meeting needs and rights, as well as addressing and preventing violence?


  • Make recommendations with the following considerations:

    • How has the emergency affected the community?

    • Are women, men, boys and girls affected differently? 

    • How should programs be adapted to meet different needs of women, men, boys and girls? 

    • What targeted programs are needed to make sure that women, men, boys and girls all have access to assistance and are able to meet their needs? 

    • What specific risks has the emergency caused? 

    • What additional information is needed to continue the rapid gender analysis?


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