GBV Risk Score
Gender-based violence exists in every country and cuts across income group, race, and gender. Failing to understand and plan for its presence in projects and investments can lead to inadvertently exacerbating violence, penalizing survivors, and hindering project and investment effectiveness. The GBV Risk Score tool enables project planners and investors to prepare to address GBV in their work from the start, not as an afterthought or merely for compliance purposes. This in-depth tool provides extensive, easy to understand GBV risk data and analysis by country and sector across nearly 200 gender equality domains and includes automated action planning so that analysis can more easily be turned into effective action.
UNDERSTAND sector-specific material risks of GBV to financial investments (operational, regulatory, political, and reputational risk), accompanied by sector-specific case studies
TAKE ACTION by viewing strategies and actions to embed GBV as a material risk into investment decisions and risk models, accompanied by tools and resources
EXPLORE country-specific GBV risk score, with discrete scores and underlying data specific to access to resources, knowledge & beliefs, human dignity, laws & policies, and power & decision-making
DOWNLOAD .CSV files of raw data and scores to manipulate your own analysis and view financial risk model options to integrate GBV data and GBV Risk Scores into investment calculations