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The Harvard Analytical Framework  (Gender Roles Framework)


The Harvard Analytical Framework was developed in the 1980s in the Harvard Institute for International Relations to facilitate the integration of women into development project analysis. It aims to make an economic case for allocating resources to women as well as men, and to assist planners to design more efficient projects. Most fundamentally, the Harvard Framework is a guide to data collection. The framework is composed of three basic elements: 


Activity profile: Based on gender divisions of labor, it lists tasks of women and men, allowing for disaggregation by age, ethnicity or class, as well as where and when tasks are performed. Activities are grouped under three headings: productive activities, reproductive or household activities and social/political/religious activities.


Access and control profile: Lists the resources needed to carry out tasks and benefits derived from them. The resources may be material or economic, political or social, and include time, access to these resources and benefits, and control over them is disaggregated by gender. 


Influencing factors profile: Outlines factors that affect the division of labor and the access and control profile of the community. 



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