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Open Source GESI Analysis Tools

Equilo's open source tools make it easy to find resources, additional tools, implementation partners, technical assistance partners, and more. From desk research to proposal writing, these tools allow users from large global organizations to small local organizations to improve their approach to gender analysis and planning—all for free.

Gender Smart Tools

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SuperGIRL is a resources library collecting studies, reports, guidance documents and more related to gender equality and social inclusion. Users can filter by sector, theme, country, and resource type, search for relevant resources, and allows you to download a list of the resources relevant to your proposal or project. Perfect for conducting desk reviews and finding qualitative data, SuperGIRL is always being updated with new resources so you can easily find the latest resources on gender equality and social inclusion.


SEARCH by key words and authors

FILTER by sector, theme, country and resource type

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Partner Directory

Equilo maps organizations (NGOs, CBOs, academic institutions, companies, and more) working in the development, humanitarian, and private sectors that are engaged in GESI activities, research, and advocacy and lists them in the searchable Partner Directory. Organizations are identified via open search and tagged by sector, theme, organization type, and country to create a curated GESI partner directory. â€‹

SEARCH by organization and key word

VIEW available contact and social media details

FILTER by sector, theme, country and organization type

DOWNLOAD your filtered .CSV 

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