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General Gender Equality & Social Inclusion

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
Men's health: COVID-19 pandemic highlights need for overdue policy action
The Lancet
This open-access journal article discusses the contributing factors of gender stereotypes and masculinity that are contributing to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on men across the globe.
Examining the impact of COVID-19 on women's economic empowerment
This policy brief was written to inform and guide how to better consider and examine the impacts of COVID-19 on women’s economic empowerment. The brief includes action-oriented recommendations on how COVID-19 response and recovery efforts can better promote women’s economic empowerment outcomes.
How men can help shift gender norms during COVID-19 crisis - #HeForShe
UN Women
This article discusses the opportunity men have to help reset gender norms going forward, and share five concrete measures men can take now to shoulder their share of the burden, and avoid making things worse for the women in their lives.
You Should've Asked
This engaging graphic article discusses the "mental load" and addresses gendered responsibility for household management.
Basics on unconscious bias
This training helps attendants slow down their thinking, recognize unconscious bias in the moment, and learn ways of addressing unconscious bias.
Gender 101
University of Hong Kong
This training is intended to broaden understanding of gendered realities through an in-depth consideration of "sex" and "gender" as cultural, social and legal phenomena impacting society and how they interact with structures of power and violence using an interdisciplinary lens.
How men can help shift gender norms during COVID-19 crisis - #HeForShe
UN Women
This webpage includes several actions men can take to support their partner during the global pandemic.
COVID-19: How to include marginalized and vulnerable people in risk communication and community engagement
UN Women, & Translators without Borders
Women, the elderly, adolescents, youth, and children, persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, refugees, migrants, and minorities experience the highest degree of socio-economic marginalization. Marginalized people become even more vulnerable in emergencies. The COVID-19 outbreak is predicted to have significant impacts on various sectors. The development of this guide was led by UN Women and Translators without Borders on behalf of the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Working Group on COVID-19 Preparedness and Response in Asia and the Pacific.
COVID-19: The gendered impacts of the outbreak
The Lancet
This Lancet journal article examines how policies and public health efforts historically have not addressed the gendered impacts of disease outbreaks. The authors provide emerging evidence on the gendered impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Five actions for gender equality in the COVID-19 response: UNICEF technical note
This technical note from UNICEF outlines five core programmatic and advocacy actions that appreciate the public health, social and economic consequences of this pandemic.
Gender & COVID-19: WHY gender matters
WFP Gender Office
COVID-19 is impacting the lives of women, men, girls and boys differently. And the impacts of COVID-19 also vary – in their nature and magnitude – by other social and identity markers, like age, disability, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, colour, civil status and race. This short publication sets out some of the ways why gender matters in understanding and responding to the impacts of COVID-19.
Gender and data resources related to COVID-19
Data2X has compiled a running list of resources and current reporting on gender and gender data as they relate to COVID19 preparedness and response around the world, including the current and anticipated impacts of the pandemic.
Gender-responsive prevention and management of the COVID-19 pandemic: From emergency response to recovery & resilience
UN Women
This publication provides an overview of the status of women and girls in various areas related to the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting existing global data (where known) and drawing on lessons learned from past pandemic responses (Ebola and Zika), alongside UN Women’s data and analysis across countries from the Beijing + 25 global review.
Overcoming the ‘tyranny of the urgent’: Integrating gender into disease outbreak preparedness and response
Gender & Development
This article contributes to discussions on the gender dimensions of disease outbreaks, and preparedness policies and responses, by providing a multi-level analysis of gender-related gaps, particularly illustrating how the failure to challenge gender assumptions and incorporate gender as a priority at the global level has national and local impacts.
Policy brief: The impact of COVID-19 on women
UN Secretary-General
This policy brief by the UN Secretary-General explores how women and girls’ lives are changing in the face of COVID-19, and outlines suggested priority measures to accompany both the immediate response and longer-term recovery efforts.
Policy responses to COVID-19
International Monetary Fund
This policy tracker summarizes the key economic responses governments are taking to limit the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The tracker includes 193 economies.
Putting women at the forefront of the COVID-19 response in Europe and Central Asia
UN Women
This publication provides an overview of UN Women's response, solutions and approach to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Europe and Central Asia region.
The COVID-19 outbreak and gender: Key advocacy points from Asia and the Pacific
UN Women
This UN Women brief outlines emerging gender impacts of COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific and provides recommendations on gender-responsive action.
The impact of COVID-19 on gender equality in the Arab region
UN Women
The COVID-19 pandemic will affect all aspects of life in the Arab region and globally. Women will undoubtedly bear a disproportionate burden in terms of the health risks posed by the virus in the Arab region. This brief explores these impacts.
Toolbox talk 12: How to avoid Covid-19
Men's Health Forum
This free talk is about Covid-19 (the new Corona virus detected in China in 2019). It covers symptoms, how to avoid the virus and the issues workplaces need to consider.
An equity-based approach to dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic
MenEngage Africa
This infographic examines some of the ways in which the Coronavirus pandemic presents as a gender and equity issue – and what we can do to prevent and stop the impacts.
Country policy responses to COVID-19
During the initial phase of the COVID-19 outbreak, a number of countries and their social partners have implemented decisive measures to combat the spread of the disease, while ameliorating its pernicious effect on the economy and labour market. This searchable database, produced by the ILO, includes information on country-specific measures.
COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to incorporate women and gender equality in the management of the crisis response
UN Women
This document indicates different impacts of COVID-19 and a series of recommendations so that decision makers can integrate the gender perspective as the key for an effective response to COVID-19 that integrates the needs of women and girls in Latin America and the Caribbean.
COVID-19: Emerging gender data and why it matters
UN Women
This UN Women data portal provides emerging gender data on the COVID-19 pandemic.
General GESI

Children & Youth

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
Use COVID-19 to build better family communication
This article discusses the opportunities the COVID-19 presents to strengthen emotional resilience and create a more open, trustworthy parent-child relationship.
8 tips for working from home with kids during COVID-19
Yale Medicine
This article shares strategies for managing home life in a time of social distancing and self-quarantine from Yale experts.
Children's MIRA: Listening to children during emergencies - A tool for conducting Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid Assessments with children
Save the Children
This toolkit has been tested and developed by Save the Children to guide humanitarian workers in facilitating children's participation in assessments during emergencies. This tool is called MIRA: the Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment.
COVID-19 and its implications for protecting children online
UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO, UNODC, We Protect Global Alliance, End Violence Against Children, ITU, & Childhood.
This technical note from UNICEF and partners sets out some of the key priorities and recommendations on how to mitigate risks and promote positive online experiences for children.
Girls' education and COVID-19: What past shocks can teach us about mitigating the impact of pandemics
Malala Fund
This paper uses insights from previous health and financial shocks to understand how the current global pandemic could affect girls’ education outcomes for years to come. It details how governments and international institutions can mitigate the immediate and longer-term effects of the pandemic on the most marginalized girls. The paper considers the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic and the 2008 global financial crisis, which both have some parallels to the impact of COVID-19.
Guidance note: Protection of children during infectious disease outbreaks
Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
This Guidance Note aims to provide humanitarian child protection practitioners, particularly child protection advisors and program managers, with guidance on how to engage in responses to infectious disease outbreaks to ensure children’s protection needs are taken into account in preparedness for, and during responses to, the outbreaks. The Guidance Note draws upon lessons learned during infectious disease outbreaks globally in a variety of contexts.
Living in and beyond COVID 19: The normal psychosocial and physical responses to a pandemic
LIDÈ Foundation
This document from the LIDÈ Foundation explains some of the normal reactions that you may be feeling right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
My hero is you: How kids can fight COVID-19!
This book is a story developed by and for children on COVID-19.
PLAY @ HOME: Games for health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak
Right To Play
Developed by Right to Play, this toolkit includes a collection of games for health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Protection of children during the COVID-19 pandemic: Children and alternative care immediate response measures
Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF, & Better Care Network
The aim of this Technical Note is to support child protection practitioners and government officials in their immediate response to the child protection concerns faced by children who are at risk of separation or in alternative care during COVID-19 pandemic.
Resource center on COVID-19 and children's care
Better Care Network
This resource center includes resources on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to child protection and children's care.
Technical note: Protection of children during the coronavirus pandemic
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
The aim of this brief is to support child protection practitioners to better respond to the child protection risks during a COVID-19 pandemic.
Tips for parents and caregivers during COVID-19 school closures: Supporting children’s wellbeing and learning
Save the Children, & the MHPSS Collaborative
These brief tips are for fathers, mothers or other caring adults supporting the wellbeing and learning of girls and boys affected by COVID-19 school closures. These messages focus on supporting parents and caregivers in order to improve both wellbeing and learning outcomes for children. They are designed to compliment government-developed distance learning materials, where available.
UNICEF coronavirus disease (COVID-19) information portal
This UNICEF portal provides information and guidance on COVID-19.
Children & Youth

Disability Inclusion

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
A principled and inclusive response to COVID-19, focused on the most vulnerable
Humanity & Inclusion
This policy paper from Humanity & Inclusion includes a summary of main concerns and recommendations for an inclusive response to COVID-19.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Inclusion Europe
This website hub developed by Inclusion Europe includes information and resources on COVID-19, including steps to prevent harm to people with intellectual disabilities and their families. There is an easy-to-read version.
COVID-19 communication rights toolkit: United States version
Communication First
This toolkit: (1) explains your communication rights; (2) provides tips on advocating for them, and (3) has an accommodation request form you can bring to the hospital.
COVID-19 response: Considerations for children and adults with disabilities
This UNICEF guidance describes what we need to know about the situation of persons with disabilities in COVID-19 response, and what we need to do in five key points.
Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
World Health Organization
This document describes how COVID-19 impact can be mitigated if simple actions and protective measures are taken by key stakeholders.
Guidelines on providing access to public health information in national sign languages during the coronavirus pandemic
World Federation of the Deaf, & World Association of Sign Language Interpreters
This document outlines best practices for providing sign language access in different contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic, including: national press conferences or emergency information broadcasts, live (special) news broadcasts, live ministerial announcements, and informational public safety videos.
Inclusive education sector guiding note on COVID-19
Humanity & Inclusion
This guiding note from Humanity & Inclusion offers practical recommendations on inclusive education during COVID-19.
Person-centred emergency preparedness planning for COVID-19: A guide to assist you to develop your own emergency preparedness plan for COVID-19
Queensland Government Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors, Queenslanders with Disability Network, & The University of Sydney
This is a guide to help people with disability to get the facts about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and make a plan for how they will manage the impact of this situation.People with disability need a plan that is tailored to their unique support needs.
Recommendations for immediate action regarding the rights & needs of people with disabilities who use personal assistance services & supports throughout COVID-19 planning & response
World Institute on Disability
This document provides recommendations for rapid response solutions for federal and state governments to close the real and anticipated gaps in the COVID-19 outbreak and public health emergency-related continuity of operation for people with disabilities, older adults, and people with access and functional needs.
Recommendations on inclusive policies from the global deafblind community
World Federation of the DeafBlind
This document from the World Federation of the DeafBlind offers recommendations to create inclusive policies.
Toward a disability-inclusive COVID-19 response: 10 recommendations from the International Disability Alliance
International Disability Alliance
This document from the International Disability Alliance calls attention to the main barriers that persons living with disabilities face in the COVID-19 emergency situation and offers some practical solutions and recommendations
WBU call to action - 19 actions for an inclusive Covid-19 response
World Blind Union
This Call for Action is produced by World Blind Union, the global organisation representing the estimated 253 million persons who are blind and partially sighted worldwide. The actions are in line with recommendations by other Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (DPOs) and reflect the urgent needs of WBUs constituency following the spread of COVID-19 and responses to the pandemic.
Disability Inclusion

Elderly Inclusion

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
COVID-19 pandemic: Key messages for advocacy
HelpAge International
This document provides HelpAge International staff, network members and partners with key messages to advocate for the effective inclusion of older people in preparedness planning and ongoing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19: Guidance and advice for communities and older people's associations
HelpAge International
This guidance is aimed at community members and community groups, including older people’s associations (OPAs), on how to keep older people safe and well during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
COVID-19: Guidance and advice for older people
HelpAge International
This page includes information on what is coronavirus or COVID-19 and how it is spread, along with advice on what older people can do to reduce their risk of catching the virus, and what they should do if they need medical help or support.
Guidelines for care homes for older people in the context of COVID-19
HelpAge International
This document includes information on personal behaviour, action to take inside the care home, interaction with the outside environment, management responsibilities, governance, and what to do if someone has COVID-19. These guidelines have been informed by experience in China, Korea and Japan.
How older people can safely collect pension payments during the COVID-19 pandemic
HelpAge International
This page provides governments, HelpAge International staff, network members and partners with key messages to advocate for the effective inclusion of older people in preparedness planning and ongoing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of pension payments.
How to administer pension payments during the COVID-19 pandemic
HelpAge International
This page provides governments, HelpAge International staff, network members and partners with key messages to advocate for the effective inclusion of older people in preparedness planning and ongoing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of pension payments.
Older people and COVID-19 in informal settlements
HelpAge International
This page considers how COVID-19 is likely to have a particularly significant direct and indirect impact on older people in poverty living in informal settlements – slums, shanty towns and favela communities.
Elderly Inclusion

Gender-Based Violence

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
Addressing gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the public transport sector
This brief discusses the importance of addressing GBVH in the public transport sector, as well as action points for investors and companies.
Addressing gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the manufacturing sector
This brief discusses the importance of addressing GBVH in the manufacturing sector, as well as action points for investors and companies.
Addressing gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the construction sector
This brief discusses the importance of addressing GBVH in the construction sector, as well as action points for investors and companies.
Tool: Self-assessment: What kind of abusive man am I?
Men's Resource Center of West Michigan
This anonymous self-screening test is meant to help participants understand their personality style relative to their functioning in intimate relationships. It will also help them recognize their triggers for abusive and controlling behaviors and identify self-management strategies.
How to deal with domestic violence: A self-help booklet for men who want to change (Freedom from Fear)
Freedom from Fear
This booklet is designed for men who are worried about how their behaviour is affecting their children or partner.
University of Melbourne & No to Violence
BETTER MAN is a website that assists you to identify areas you may need help with in your intimate relationship and to take positive action.
Pod worksheet
The Pod worksheet help survivors of domestic violence map their support network and resources in their lives, and make a plan of action.
MyPlan App
The MyPlan App helps users identify, navigate, and find resources for a range of relationship abuse. It is designed for both survivors of violence and the people who care about them.
Sexual harassment training
This training enables employees to play a role in rooting out sexual harassment in the workplace by promoting an active bystander approach, empowering employees to spot symptoms of hostility, and addressing unconscious bias.
Violence against women during COVID-19
World Health Organization
This webpage answers several questions about responding to violence in the COVID-19 environment for survivors, perpetrators, policy makers, and health care providers.
Adolescent girls and COVID-19: GBV risks and response
Save the Children
This short publication considers how pandemics such as COVID-19 expose and exacerbate existing inequalities putting women, girls and people of diverse gender identities at increased risk of violence. Adolescent girls may be disproportionately impacted by gender-based violence during COVID-19.
COVID-19 and ending violence against women and girls
UN Women
This brief highlights emerging evidence of the impact of the recent global pandemic of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls. It makes recommendations to be considered by all sectors of society, from governments to international organizations and to civil society organizations in order to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls, at the onset, during, and after the public health crisis with examples of actions already taken. It also considers the economic impact of the pandemic and its implications for violence against women and girls in the long-term.
COVID-19 and violence against women: What the health sector/system can do
World Health Organization
This brief from the World Health Organization outlines health sector response to violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Disability considerations in GBV programming during the COVID-19 pandemic
GBV AoR Helpdesk
This note provides information and practical guidance to support gender-based violence (GBV) practitioners to integrate attention to disability into GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ending violence is our business: Workplace responses to intimate partner violence in Asia and the Pacific
UN Women
This report is a collection of case studies which can be used to better understand the roles of organizations in addressing intimate partner violence experienced by their employees. It identifies useful elements and key drivers of program and policy responses.
GBV case management and the COVID-19 pandemic
Gender Based Violence AoR Help Desk
This note aims to provide practical support to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) practitioners to adapt GBV case management service delivery models quickly and ethically during the current COVID-19 pandemic. It does not address all aspects of a gendered analysis that are necessary to create a robust response, nor is it a definitive set of guidelines. Rather, it is designed to be a “living” document, that will continue to draw upon the expertise of the global community in this new and evolving field. It assumes that users of this note already understand and are familiar with GBV case management.
Handbook: Addressing violence and harassment against women in the world of work
UN Women
This handbook aims to bring together the literature, policies and practices, providing promising examples from countries across the globe. It articulates relevant international and regional frameworks, provides guidance on the role of state and non-state actors and social dialogue, and includes practical information on how to prevent and respond to violence and harassment in workplaces.
How to support survivors of gender-based violence when a GBV actor is not available in your area: A step-by-step Pocket Guide for humanitarian practitioners
GBV Guidelines
The "Pocket Guide" resource package V2.0 is designed to provide all humanitarian practitioners with concrete information on how to support a survivor of gender-based violence who disclosed to you in a context where there is no gender-based violence actor (including a referral pathway or GBV focal point) available in your area. There is also a mobile application, "GBV Pocket Guide."
Identifying & mitigating gender-based violence risks within the COVID-19 response
IASC, & Global Protection Cluster
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to present an array of challenges, forcing nearly all types of basic service delivery – including, but not limited to, humanitarian response – to drastically adapt. This document presents an initial summary of potential gender-based violence (GBV) risk mitigation actions, based on established good practice, that are starting points to address GBV risks in this unprecedented situation.
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on violence against women and girls
VAWG Helpdesk
This report from the VAWG Helpdesk explores the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic may impact on violence against women and girls, based on emerging evidence, including increased risk of corporal punishment, sexual exploitation, and abuse of girls, as well as intensification of child protection issues due to children being separated from caregivers.
Podcast series: GBVIMS, case management and COVID-19
This GBVIMS podcast series is aimed at supporting GBV caseworkers and supervisors to adapt their service provision in the context of governmental policies imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as movement restrictions, confinement, lockdown or other containment strategies.
Safeguarding and COVID-19: Guidance note for projects
Girls' Education Challenge
This guidance note provides information for Fund Manager (FM) staff and for projects on the following: (1) reflections on the gendered impact of the coronavirus, Gender-based Violence (GBV) and safeguarding; and (2) what projects can do to mitigate these.
Staff wellbeing line manager briefing: Domestic violence
16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence
While not specific to COVID-19, this line manager briefing series provides an overview of wellbeing issues for line managers. This issue specifically considers domestic violence, and it includes tips on recognizing signs in employees who may be experiencing violence and responding appropriately.
The shadow pandemic: Violence against women and girls and COVID-19
UN Women
This infographic explores how, in times of crisis, violence against women and girls is likely to increase as security, health, and money worries heighten tensions and strains are accentuated by cramped and confined living conditions.
Workplaces Respond
Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence
Workplaces Respond provides resources, training, and technical assistance to employers, survivors, co-workers, and advocates to prevent and respond to domestic violence, sexual harassment and violence, and stalking impacting the workplace.
Gender-Based Violence
Humanitarian Response

Humanitarian Response

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
Energy access takes center stage in fighting COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and powering recovery in Africa
World Bank
This article discusses the connections between energy utilities and COVID-19, and how energy utility companies can contribute to an effective recovery.
Coronavirus calls utilities to humanitarian role — How to help troubled customers in this time of need
Utility Drive
This article outlines actions that utility companies can take during COVID-19 to help strengthen their communities and stabilize the economy.
Ensuring a COVID-19 local-led and gendered response that meets the needs of all people, including those most left behind
To face this unprecedented crisis and enable a humanitarian response that is as effective, efficient and inclusive as possible, CARE is urging United Nations organizations, institutional donors and governments to follow the below recommendations.
Gender implications of COVID-19 outbreaks in development and humanitarian settings
Informed by lessons learned from past public health emergencies, CARE’s analysis shows that COVID-19 outbreaks in development or humanitarian contexts could disproportionately affect women and girls in a number of ways, including adverse effects on their education, food security and nutrition, health, livelihoods, and protection.
Global rapid gender analysis for COVID-19
CARE, & International Rescue Committee
This Rapid Gender Analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic, based on secondary data analysis undertaken between 12-20 March 2020, explores the current and potential gendered dimensions of COVID-19 and highlights the ways in which women, girls and other marginalised people are likely to suffer from the pandemic.
Interim guidance on scaling-up COVID-19 outbreak in readiness and response operations in humanitarian settings, including camps and camp-like settings
This Interim Guidance addresses specific needs and considerations required in humanitarian situations, including camps and camp-like settings and the surrounding host communities, in scaling-up readiness and response operations for the COVID-19 outbreak through effective multi-sectoral partnership.
Interim guidance: Gender alert for COVID-19 outbreak
In addition to informing on gendered impacts that have emerged in the COVID-19 health emergency, this document by the IASC Reference Group for Gender in Humanitarian Action includes minimum standards for integrating gender equality into preparedness and response planning process, and cluster programme priorities for a gender-integrated response.

Inclusive Workplaces

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
How to build a women-powered, green-energy transition
Mail & Guardian
This article discusses the role of women in the shift to carbon neutrality.
COVID-19 and gender rapid self-assessment tool
UN Women
This tool enables companies to assess their COVID-19 response and ensure they are supporting women during and beyond the crisis with gender-sensitive measures throughout their value chain.
Reimagining the post-pandemic organization
McKinsey & Company
This article examines what changes companies are making now due to COVID-19 that will impact their future operations.
The COVID-19 response playbook: A guide for how to lead and build resilience for the next normal
This tool supports organizations to plan out one to three-year potential scenarios to plan a coordinated response to the crisis.
Free COVID-19 social impact assessment
This free COVID-19 Social Impact assessment helps companies identify the biggest stressors on their employees.
Building emergency planning scenarios for viral pandemics
The purpose of this report is to provide a systematic record of the issues connected with the Covid-19 pandemic in order to improve the basis for future emergency planning.
How to revamp your harassment prevention program
This article discusses the importance of taking a fresh look at companies' anti-harassment training, policies, and practices.
Optimizing diversity on teams
This training enables participants to learn what diversity is, and how to use it to maximize team performance, innovation and creativity. It teaches how to draw out the collective wisdom of diverse teams, handle conflict and establish common ground rules through real-world cases and peer-to-peer discussions.
Inclusive leadership training: Leading with effective communication
This course aims to show how the most effective communication utilizes the inclusive leadership mindset of empowerment, accountability, courage, and humility, and guides participants on how to use that mindset.
Inclusive leadership training: Becoming a successful leader
This training uses research and best practices to train empowerment, accountability, courage, and humility. Real-life exercises are used to practice applying new leadership skills.
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace
This training aims to help participants understand the paradox of diversity and its dynamics, and identify ways to manage it.
25 online tools for building company culture
This online article presents 25 innovative tools for building a positive company culture.
A blueprint for remote working: Lessons from China
McKinsey & Company
As home to some of the world’s largest firms, China offers lessons for those that are just now starting to embrace the shift to remote working.
Business and COVID-19 Response Centre
Business Fights Poverty, & Harvard Kennedy School Corporate Responsibility Initiative
This Business and COVID-19 Response Centre is designed to accelerate global learning and local action to support the most vulnerable in companies' value chains, communities and beyond.
Business and COVID-19: Supporting the most vulnerable
Business Fights Poverty
This Response Framework sets out practical guidance on how businesses can support the most vulnerable in their value chains, communities and beyond.
Childcare in the COVID-19 era: A guide for employers - Interim guidance for employers in a rapidly changing global situation
This guidance note is a companion to IFC's Global Guide for Employer-Supported Childcare and outlines ways in which employers can support the care and family needs of their employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and fulfill their obligations under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Coronavirus relief options
US Small Business Administration
The US Small Business Administration website offers financial relief options for US businesses.
COVID-19 and gender equality: A call to action for the private sector
The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a set of seven principles offering guidance to business on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. During this time of upheaval and uncertainty, the WEPs are a great resource for the private sector to help them protect the most vulnerable groups.
Ergonomic tips when teleworking
In this video, ILO's Occupational Safety and Health coordinator, Eloy Alonso-Maestre shares tips on teleworking, including how to improve the ergonomics in your workspace.
COVID-19 capital relief for entrepreneurs, non-profits, and businesses globally
Duke Fuqua School of Business
This online tool includes a database of existing grants, loans, and other cash equivalents for entrepreneurs, non-profits, and businesses globally during COVID-19.
Family-friendly policies and other good workplace practices in the context of COVID-19: Key steps employers can take
This document offers (interim) recommendations for employers to mitigate the negative consequences stemming from COVID-19.
Gender, diversity and inclusion in CGIAR's workplaces: People leaders guide
This CGIAR guide aims to equip People Leaders with evidence-based advice on how to support and guide their teams to work remotely, with a specific focus on at-risk groups.
Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19: How COVID-19 spreads
World Health Organization
This document gives advice on: Simple ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your workplace; how to manage COVID-19 risks when organizing meetings and events; things to consider when you and your employees travel; and getting your workplace ready in case COVID-19 arrives in your community.
Guidance note for action: Gender-sensitive private sector response to COVID-19 for accelerated and inclusive economic recovery
UN Women
This guidance note explains that, if COVID-19 response and recovery plans do not integrate a gender lens, economic regressions may be exacerbated and lead to losses not only for businesses but also for economies across the region.
Guidance note for action: Supporting SMEs to ensure the economic COVID-19 recovery is gender-responsive and inclusive
UN Women
This note shows how the barriers women entrepreneurs already face in starting and retaining a business are likely to increase in the aftermath of COVID-19. Those barriers include less access than male entrepreneurs to information and communications technology, financial services and assets, legal rights, business management skills and networking opportunities.
How to create a positive workplace culture
This Forbes article details specific recommendations for building a positive workplace culture.
Promoting positive gender roles in marketing and advertising in the context of COVID-19: Key considerations for business
UN Women, & UNICEF
In an effort to address the impacts of COVID-19, companies are making a number of socially beneficial communications to the public. It is essential that these communications avoid harmful stereotypes and seek to depict positive and progressive gender portrayals. This document provides considerations for corporate entities currently creating socially beneficial communications.
Resources for women during the coronavirus pandemic
Lean In
These practical resources were developed by Lean In to support working women during the coronavirus pandemic. Topics include advocating for yourself, being a good coworker and leader, staying connected, juggling work and family, and managing stress and anxiety.
Toolkit for creating a positive workplace culture
Skills for Care
This toolkit explains what workplace culture is and how you can develop a positive one in your organization. It’s for adult social care employers of all sizes, including individual employers.
Inclusive Workplaces
LGBTQI+ Inclusion

Mental Health & Self-Care

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
The science of well-being
This course includes a series of challenges designed to increase happiness and build more productive habits. These challenges are grounded in an overview of misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change.
Easy, affordable and healthy eating tips during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
This article shares ideas to help families maintain a nutritious diet during the upheaval of COVID-19.
Working from home with kids feels unsustainable. Here's how to ease the burden
This article discusses the challenges that parents face during COVID-19 while working from home with children, and tactics for dealing with the ensuing stresses.
Briefing note on addressing mental health and psychosocial aspects of COVID-19 outbreak - Version 1.5
This briefing note summarizes key mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) considerations in relation to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
How to manage the loneliness and isolation of remote workers
Based on Gallup data, this article provides tips on managing remote workers' loneliness and isolation.
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during COVID-19 outbreak
World Health Organization
The considerations presented in this document have been developed by the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Use as a series of messages that can be used in communications to support mental and psychosocial well-being in different target groups during the outbreak.
Social distancing? Here's how to prioritize self-care
Johns Hopkins
This article shares resources and tips from Johns Hopkins mental health experts to help you maintain your physical and emotional well-being in the time of COVID-19.
Webinar series: Coping with coronavirus - Dealing with daily stress, anxiety, and a range of other emotions
Harvard Health
This webinar series was created to support the students and staff of the Harvard Medical School community, yet the lessons will be broadly applicable to all who are feeling the emotional strain of this unprecedented crisis.
Mental Health & Self-Care

Sexual & Reproductive Health

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Resource Title
Sponsoring Institution
COVID-19 technical brief for antenatal care services
This document serves as an adjunct to the UNFPA COVID-19 Technical Brief for Maternity Services to provide interim guidance on providing phone based antenatal care (ANC) in the immediate clinical situation during COVID-19. These recommendations are provided as a resource for UNFPA staff based on a combination of WHO guidelines, good practice and expert advice based on the latest scientific evidence.
COVID-19: A gender lens - Protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights, and promoting gender equality
Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, and pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse. This publication examines how different needs must be considered, given the different impacts surrounding detection and access to treatment for women and men.
Health/sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), "Prioritise, Adapt, Maintain"
This resource includes considerations for health/sexual and reproductive health and rights programming during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Programmatic guidance for sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian and fragile settings during COVID-19 pandemic
This document provides programmatic guidance to help maintain essential preventative, promotive, and curative sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in fragile and humanitarian settings during the COVID-19 epidemic threat and outbreak period; including general guidance, the continuation of sexual and reproductive health services, information and communication, and infection prevention and control.
Sexual & Reproductive Health

Social Stigma & Discrimination

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COVID-19, race, and racism resources
Iowa State University
This page includes selected resources for learning the facts about COVID-19, including its disproportionate impact on people of color, and provides information on interrupting related racisms, microaggressions, and xenophobia aimed at people of color and other marginalized communities.
Implicit Association Tests
Harvard University
The Implicit Association Tests are a tool for individuals to uncover unconscious biases on gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, age, weight, and other categories of identity.
Protecting Asian American and Pacific Islander working people ​in response to COVID-19
The APALA website provides information and guidance on how to protect Asian American and Pacific Islander people from discrimination during COVID-19.
Report an incident of discrimination
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
When you submit an incident of discrimination through this form, you will be aiding the efforts of Advancing Justice and other advocates to monitor hate incidents in the United States.
Tool: Interrupting microaggressions
College of the Holy Cross
This practical tool gives examples of microaggressions and provides suggested third party responses.
A guide to preventing and addressing social stigma associated with COVID-19
This guide for preventing and addressing social stigma associated with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is intended to support governments, media and local organizations.
Social Stigma & Discrimination
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